XLI failed Literary Contest "Golden Apricot" organized by the City Council and the Stewardship Moratalla Stmo.
Cristo del Rayo, as reflected in the Act issued by the Jury for the Award in Local Theme Verse, was awarded to D.
Miguel Angel Prieto Alonso de Palencia, resident in Cehegín (Murcia) for his composition "a land of juniper."
Prose Prize Tema Libre, has been awarded to D.
Antonio Luis Vera of San Juan de Aznalfarache (Sevilla) for his work: "Taranta for a child without a fairy."
Have been no winners in Prose and Local Theme Award Theme Verse Libre.
The jury was composed of the following people: D.
José Jesús Sánchez Martínez, as President and Coordinator of the same, Mrs. Salvadora Álvarez Gallego, D.
Pedro García Moreno, Ms Ana María Almagro, and Ms. Visi Pérez Martínez, as Secretary.
Source: Certamen Literario "Albaricoque de Oro"