Portal de Moratalla


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express its full rejection and condemnation of the events in Moratalla]


The Health Federation of CCOO, wishes to express its full rejection and condemnation of the events in the emergency department of Moratalla (PAC), in which they were wounded by gun fire after an attack incomprehensible that Resident Physician on duty and the driver of the ambulance service.

Professional workers and regional health services provided permanently to all citizens of the Region of Murcia with the utmost services delivery that are capable not deserve response to his dedicated efforts as public servants such acts, though isolated, reflect an anti-social behavior inappropriate for a society like ours.

We demand the implementation of the Act with the utmost rigor and conviction of these reprehensible acts by public authorities.

Also, demand that these acts are classified as violating their civil servant and that the plan of assault prevention of SMS is implemented in all respects with the utmost forcefulness, and that since the tragic events could not be prevented and, considering this circumstance by the union a workplace accident, it is supplemented with more generosity and responsibility by SMS

CCOO called to publicly, in front of the Ministry of Health, morning, March 12, 12.00, to show revulsion at these acts and solidarity with the victims and their families.

Source: CC.OO. Región de Murcia

UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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