Again, when there is political and common sense arguments, the "radical left" brings out their true DNA.
Yesterday the mayor of Moratalla, in a riot of imagination and education, thus dispatched on social networks referring to the President and Spokesman of the PP in the City of Moratalla, "Whoever treads a once AMPA is negligible.
Who does it twice is a miserable.
Complexed candidate for mayor, Fight parents get what destroyed the offices in low-class petty politicians. "All this stems from the efforts we have made, at the request of the College AMPA and AMPA Juana Rodriguez Institute D.
Pedro Garcia Aguilera, for two lines of both centers is not unified.
Efforts have paid off and they continue through both lines.
As we see, the lady mayor could not contain the anger and hatred that leads in and attacks the only way he knows, insulting and trying to discredit those who have worked and managed to try to solve a problem affecting schoolchildren in Moratalla.
At no time has "trampled the AMPA" as Mrs. Mayor says, have always made efforts at the request of both directives at all times and have been informed of our negotiations;
including the assembly of AMPA Institute, where all the political groups represented on the City Council of Moratalla, were present, we were asked by the directive, which did the necessary steps for solving the problem and at the time and in the presence the mayor, the PP spokesman said that would do his best to fix it.
Say that the PP will continue to do what we think is good for our people, no matter who likes it, and attend to all associations and groups who request our assistance, as well as any neighbor, as we always have, because that voted us most of our citizens.
"Complexed candidate for mayor," that is one of the phrases that the first mayor of Moratalla, Candida Marin, dedicated social networks yesterday the PP spokesman tried to discredit him.
Who can really be "self-conscious" is Mrs. Marin, who still got the least votes in the last municipal elections (1128), against the winner of the elections the PP (1862), to sit on the couch, he had to agree with his biggest political opponent (PSOE).
From this game, we simply want to state that "complex" is what that person has to feel he knows his mandate has an expiration date, a mayor who has been imposed on moratalleros by the PSOE despite not having the necessary support in the polls and now finds itself unable to resolve the problems and needs of the moratallera citizenship, and "self-conscious" is the person who uses defense to defamation and insult, trying to tarnish the image of people who do work for this people.
With that attitude, Mrs. Marin, only proves to head a team of weak and fragile government based on the use and manipulation of the public to cover their major management deficiencies.
We understand that the insults are just a strategy to mask the real problems of management and thus demonstrating his nervousness in the absence of a political project for moratalleros.
This lady, "bearer of the protest, the complaint and the permanent banner" is showing us all moratalleros, led an exhausted political project and drowned, unable to meet the real needs of our town, and only uses the citizen mobilization with partisan interests.
Mrs. Marin, make municipal management, is the mayor for everyone, only has 20 months, leave the joke and remnants, rule out its mission and, fight for the interests of moratalleros moratalleros and touch doors, travel and be the banner for other occasions
Source: PP Moratalla