The City of Moratalla, inexplicably still no explanation about the rest of the debt, without giving any assurance on payments in the coming months and a closure, worthy of a better cause, still refusing any negotiations with the representatives of the workers.
The City of Moratalla workers gathered in Assembly decided yesterday again urged the council to urgently convene the General Trading Bureau and initiate a negotiation process that allows agreement on a Plan of Payments of the payroll that includes unresolved issues as well as current conditions, medium and long term services.
Similarly require, on the part of the government team, all the information is provided in relation to the impact on the stability of the workforce and labor rights Austerity Plans, with a complete lack of negotiation include adjustments in Chapter I of the Budget that the law requires to be negotiated with the workers.
The employees of the City of Moratalla, have shown more than evident from his readiness for dialogue and engagement with the situation and have continued to guarantee good services for residents, despite the obvious difficulties, but also clearly require that open real negotiations on the present and the future of the City and in the aforementioned Assembly agreed that if there is no response to the new requirement of negotiation by the City would initiate other pressures.