A few days ago publicly denounced interested manipulation and editing a video referring to the last appearance of the mayor of Moratalla, Antonio Garcia Rodriguez, the program Street TV Channel Four, where the PP Moratalla intentionally removed part of the testimony of a member of IU, where part of the debt adjudged to suffer the City Council the previous administration's Party, now this same manipulation is transferred to the print media at the regional level.
Specifically, we refer to an article in the newspaper La Opinión de Murcia, entitled "The opposition does not want the mayor talk about cash flow problems," appeared in the online edition of February 7, and written by a famous friend Moratalla Mayor, Enrique Soler.
Sure, by now, and after-the contemplation of example, in the first trial Jaume Matas, former Minister Aznar and former president of the Balearic Islands, where "another friend journalist" until he wrote political speeches which he later extolled in newspapers he worked as a columnist, The World, in exchange for "insignificant amounts of money" around 400,000 euros, probably no surprise since these "weaves Drive."
And is that the distortion of the article is priceless:
From its very title: "The opposition does not want the mayor talk about cash flow problems", in other words from textual change: "If I have to choose between the mayor and my work, I choose my work," to: "If I demanded to choose between my work and the Mayor of incompatibility, I would choose my work without any doubt ", with" minor clarifications "that express a lot about the intent and" neutrality "of that article.
It begins as follows: "As if the mayor of Moratalla, Antonio Garcia, had little to no attempt to rescue the battered city coffers of a debt of over EUR 28 million, now has to defend himself for having made public the figures credited to the Consistory as one of the most indebted in the region. "when it turns out that this week has been made public borrowing figures caravaqueño consistory, with higher figures.
Or the much higher indebtedness of the City of Totana, also ruled by the Popular Party, where the figures of debt amounted to EUR 61 million in 8 years.
It ends, of course, with a new appointment of his friend Mayor: "We have initiated a series of measures aimed at seeking a solution that does not stifle the economies of the neighbors, but to allow our town can continue to provide services."
And we ask ourselves: If you raise all taxes and municipal taxes, suddenly, a 20% average is not to drown citizens, most of the crises the Western world in the last 80 years, and a new record of unemployed in this country, because the next time the 40% rise ...
But of course, says nothing about the release of two PP councilors refusal to supply dedicated to the opposition to ask the mayor, and occurs more with the intention of providing employment stability to those councilors with which lacked in their previous work.
Or that their release would be a pay cut him to the Mayor because of an agreement that he reached in past legislatures with IU, by which the mayor would not charge a penny more than the salary of the highest ranking official of the City.
And now trying to avoid not devoted exclusively to that for which he was elected majority, under the pretext that campaign he did know.
Mr. Mayor, If we make a survey of voters moratalleros, do you think would take the upper hand?
And is that the article itself says in its beginning: "As if the mayor of Moratalla, Antonio Garcia, had little to no attempt to rescue the battered city coffers of a debt of over EUR 28 million, now has to defend making public the figures credited to the Consistory as one of the most indebted in the region. "
So therefore, for the Lord Mayor to promote with all the guarantees that cleaning up "the damaged municipal coffers" that puts so much effort and again in spreading in the media, and also can "defend itself" with all its "political capacity" of the efforts exerted by the opposition Socialist Party of Moratalla, is why I ask again and again-time, not two councilors who are doing them a favor working with the release, but who must address the difficult situation of the municipality and its inhabitants, which is none other than the highest authority of the same, its mayor.
Source: PSOE Moratalla