Over the next 12, 13 and December 14 is taking place in Corsica the first Meeting (Kick-off meeting) of the European Project "Savoir-Faire Transfert en Méditerranée pour le Développement des Commnutautés Durable Services in Rural Zones Défavorisées-VILLAGES" (Exchange of Good Practices in the Mediterranean for local community development in disadvantaged rural areas).
Today, Monday 12, has held the First Meeting of Directors (Steering Committee Meeting) project, which has laid the groundwork for the program of work for the next three years, and has addressed issues relating to communication of the project and financial management and management of it, among other issues.
The City of Moratalla, represented by D.
Juan Soria Martinez, Councillor for Local Development and the city council two technicians, one of the 8 partners in this project, which has an overall budget of € 1,692,172, funded 90% by the ENPI CBC MED Program (Program Mediterranean cross-border cooperation of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument), and corresponding to the contribution of partners 10%.
For its part, the City has already received funding for the first year, so do not have to advance funds to cover the costs that are generated during the project implementation.
Villages Project promotes, through the creation of a multisectoral partnership, improving the living conditions of local communities in disadvantaged rural areas of the Mediterranean, providing tools to create their own systems of governance and developing their skills as a catalyst for local development processes, helping to stop or reverse the trend of rural depopulation, and, therefore, support the decentralization process.
Source: PP Moratalla