PPRM spokesman Víctor Martínez said this morning that the Mayor of Moratalla "for decency and consistency must resign."
Martinez has made these statements after hearing that Cándida Marín, the councilor of this municipality, has "overstretched" its functions by modifying the outcome of an opposition and leaving the job of the sister of an exconcejal of the PP.
Martinez has insisted that "Moratalla does not deserve a mayor who" lies, manipulates and is sectarian since it has been condemned for violating Fundamental Rights. "For this reason the spokesman of the 'popular' has demanded his resignation. Condemned, "he has said and" must leave his position as mayor and allow clean air and democracy in the City of Moratalla. "
Víctor Martínez has made reference to his government partner in the consistory and has reiterated that "when talking about consistency we can not forget that Candida Marín is mayor thanks to the support of the PSRM, which has criticized for re-demonstrating its double standards" .
"Calla before a condemned mayoress demonstrating its hypocrisy and its lack of credibility," has settled.
Source: PP Región de Murcia