The course, officially certified by the School of Animation and Free Time Local Initiatives (a training center recognized by the Regional School of Animation and Leisure of the General Directorate of Youth) and free of charge, has been held at the Center of the woman.
Throughout 5 sessions, a total of 17 students have learned from the hand of Juan F. Berenguer - Social educator with extensive experience in the implementation and implementation of education programs for participation at regional, national and international level - the basic principles and current reality of participation, official channels for participation, youth participation in the 21st century, participatory methodologies and their implementation, project development and good practices.
With this training, it initiates a work plan that seeks to make available to the citizens the necessary tools to be able to participate successfully in any field, both personal and social, and thus, to achieve changes that improve our closest environment and project towards Others more extensive and complex.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Moratalla