First painting exhibition that was inaugurated by the Regional Guild of Various Crafts after the third escalation, after almost four months of cultural inactivity, it has already begun with all the care and protection possible to carry out cultural acts in the various localities of the Region of MurciaToday we present the inauguration of "Landscapes and some flowers", by the Murcian painter Ramón Victoria Hernández, a man who has a passion for the image in all its aspects and has exhibited in the main exhibition halls of Murcia, Spain, Europe and New York and after the confinement it has come to debut in Moratalla, a beautiful town in our Murcia Northwest, presented its exhibition at the Social and Cultural Casino of this mountain town, invited by the Board of Directors of Casino Cultural de MoratallaThe sample will remain until August 31, 2020.GOOD LUCK MASTER !!.Regional Guild of Various Crafts
Source: Gremio Regional de Artesanías Varias