Ayuntamiento de Moratalla denounce the continued delays in the payment of their payroll]
In recent months the workers of the Ilmo.
Moratalla City Council have been suffering delays in the collection of their payroll, this fact being continued and repeated during the past year 2018. Such is the custom of it, that in nine of the twelve months of the annuity recently completed, there have been delays in the payroll, reaching to expand the compensation of the same, up to ten days for the civil service and in more than two weeks for the staff of the county employment councils.
Regarding the payroll of December 2018 and the extraordinary Christmas payment, as of today has not yet been entered, it being customary to pay it before the start of the Christmas period, given the exceptional expenses that occur during these dates
To all this must be added the non-payment of the remaining part, relating to the extraordinary payment of the annuity 2012, whose percentage amounts to 50% of it, pending payment since already in 2015 authorizing its payment by the central government, giving as the deadline for payment in January 2017. However, this limit has been exceeded in two years and still the workers still do not receive the corresponding payment for such concept.
In addition, the local police collective of this consistory, has been claiming since September 2018, the payment of various shifts of work in concept of special availability.
These work shifts, which are commonly known as shifts of overtime but paid economically at a lower price than that recognized in the workers' agreement, have been performed by the agents during the last 2 years to cover shifts of ordinary character, as a consequence of the reduced number of personnel available to the workforce.
In this sense it should also be noted that the number of police officers has been reduced since January 2, 2019, with the entry into force of the Royal Decree that establishes the early retirement of Local Police, and no intention is perceived by the police. consistory to replenish those vacant places, having been able to foresee this reduction of places months ago, as has been reflected in numerous municipalities of the region, which are immersed in selective processes that reduce the loss of agents on the occasion of their retirement .
But not only this shortage of personnel suffers it the collective of local police, if not that it extends to other collectives as the one of municipal services, whose staff, besides aged, is very reduced, what is translated in an excessive load of work and unacceptable repeatedly, both by staff and by lack of material means.
These continuous delays in the payment of payrolls, is generating a great concern among workers of this town hall, and that is still impregnated in his memory the situation lived a few years ago in this municipality, where for almost 6 months they stopped perceive your payroll.
To this must be added the lack of communication between the government team and the workers of the municipality, with dialogue and negotiation practically null among them, and there is currently no communicative channel to expose the different needs and workers' claims.
All this makes the labor situation of the workers of the Moratalla City Council unviable in many aspects, while the government team remains motionless in the face of the situation.